"Wild Boy" for "Post-Apocalyptical 80's Pop" blog-post on #flashback80s

(Above: WIP)

I published a blogpost titled "Post-Apocalyptical 80's Pop", and subsequently felt it needed a visual representation of the "fashion-style", and instead of using existing stills/photos, I'd thought to doodle one up myself!

Ink on recycled brown carton board, with black ink paint for larger areas, and highlights with pastel white, and fine ink white.

I felt I had "over-embellished" the final version (as I always inevitably do, alas :p), which was somehow ironic, as I initially had no intention to go with as much details as it is now, but am glad I finished this sketch exercise as it is :)

Total of maybe an hour or two? Spread out within an afternoon-and-night.


(Above: WIP / Below: Finished artwork)


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