TOYSREVIL Does Anime Fanart (2011-2012)

Recently found a stash of my older doodles (through the years), and realised some of them never truly saw the light of day - well at least on my Insta or on this blog - specifically this selection of anime-themed fanart!

First filmed via IG-Live, and posted on my IG-TV Channel, and on my Facebook, and the above youtube-embed.

From the date on the sketches (a "rarity" lol), most were dated "2011", and were born of a notion/concept of self-producing and indie publishing (AKA zeroxing and stapling the pages together myself) sketch-booklet to coincide with that year's Anime Festival Asia, which in essence left me with only a day to make everything work!

Nevertheless, the project never came into fruition, no doubt "lost" in my busted laptop ... and quite frankly set aside and forgotten, until finding the doodles again. Featured here is a video (shot today), and as well images since posted on my Facebook sketch-page/album, and reposted here today! And yes, this would've been a unlicensed fanart/"tribute" project, so...

What if "Akira" was a self-absorbed emo-kid, "Kaneda" was a sociopathic tek-mutante? And well, Kaneda still has a bigasslazer pulse rifle? Considering color poster insert ... should I even bother? (circa November 12, 2012)

Shown below are cover-options, considering a red+black-on-white colour scheme ... maybe I could do this as a online-sketchbook instead? hhhmmm....


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