#KAIJUNE (#Kaijune2018)

WHAT-IS: "KAIJUNE" is a month-long challenge to draw 30 x monsters for the entire month of June (created by @phileyrillips), ala "Inktober" and "March of Robots" = both challenges for which I have been strenuously attempting to be involved in every year!

I had discovered this challenge whilst serendipitously featuring Kim Hu's excellent Ultraman Wresting Monsters, and subsequently devouring monsters left-n-right of me, culminating in a blog-post on TOYSREVIL, and eventually succumbing to a few doodles of my own!

(Hashtagged #kaijune2018toysrevilart on Instagram)

I've never been too much of a "monster" doodler, but am intrigued to see if I can go beyond the random "cutesy"-wannabe attempts (Heh).

I might not complete all 30 days' worth ... but will upload whatever I have done into this dedicated Facebook-album on TOYSREVILART ... meanwhile, THIS is what I have done so far, thanks :)

There above were all based on "prompts", while the following were something I decided to ry and give a go at with whatever popped into my mind, all the while resisting (but ultimately "failing") to create anything remotely "cute" :p

The following image was actually my very FIRST attempt for #Kaijune, with the prompt word "MAW", but did not exactly came out the way I had wanted it to ... being a hobbyist, I'd always need to "warm up", I suppose :p

Cheers & thank you for your indulgence :)


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