My AMABIE アマビエ The Yokai Doodles (#amabiechallenge)

"Amabie (アマビエ) is a legendary Japanese mermaid or merman with 3 legs, who allegedly emerges from the sea and prophesies either an abundant harvest or an epidemic. It appears to be a variant of the amabiko (アマビコ, 海彦, 尼彦, 天日子, 天彦, あま彦) (also amahiko), otherwise known as the amahiko-nyūdo (尼彦入道), and arie (アリエ), which are depicted as ape-like, bird-like, or torso-less (cephalopod-like), and usually 3-legged." (Wikipedia)
Featured up top is a woodblock print apparently dating back to the late Edo period ... "Amabie / アマビエ" the Japanese-borne yokai has since been adopted by the www in this age of COVID-19, and is currently a "sketch-challenge" (*View hashtag on Instagram), and I have jumped into the fray with these three doodles:

"If an epidemic occurs, draw a picture of me and show it to everyone." - Goes the lore for #Amabie #アマビエ: A #yokai since adopted by the www in this age of #Covid19.

The yokai is said to be a three-legged mermaid or merman, so with my abject lack of skill to draw the female form, I have decided to portray a Male-Amabie instead... in this instance giving it a more pronounced torso, AND upper limbs/arms - more than the source figure had - yikes! Please do pardon my lack of skill :p

[ Above image on Instagram ]

This is my second attempt at doodling a Merman-Amabie ... even if I said this was a “mermaid”, you’d not know the difference (due to my lacklustre drawing ability), innit? HAH.

[ Above image on Instagram ]

Of course I'll attempt a "derp" edition - but this time without the torso and extra arms :p

[ Above image on Instagram ]


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