My #SixFanArts 2020

(Above pic on Instagram )

What started out as a blog-feature on TOYSREVIL about the latest "sketch-challenge" folks have been seeing online, led to folks actually requesting fan arts of characters on my Insta-post, which I gladly took on as a challenge!

What the "SIXFANARTS" challenge started out as (started by Melissa Capriglione), was for artists/illustrators to ask their own fans+friends, to suggest a total of 6 x pop culture media characters, to be drawn or intepretated in said artists' styles. It grew beyond Japanese anime characters to anyone in the pop culture realm (I personally asked someone else for a "Teletubby" teehee). Looks to me so far to be a predominantly digital format, while I am still analog in my attempt :p

Featured above are my 6, as chosen by the folks in my IG-post (below), and interpreted by myself. In time I'll be featuring individual doodles, for which I'll be grabbing WIPs from my own dedicated hashtag "#hengdraw6fanarts".


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