"Jawa Sells A Star Wars Toy" (for #StarWarsDay 2020)

[ Above Image on Instagram ]

I did this doodle on Facebook Live (on my personal FB) the morning of May 1st, 2020, with the initial intention of showing a Jawa stood in front of his Sandcrawler, trying to hawk off "Star Wars" toys... the back of his opened vehicle would also show boxes and boxes of toys to be sold! But alas, my "skills" be wanting, to say the least LOL

Doodle Reason #1: A suggestion to my retailer friends&folks to have a #StarWarsDay (blow-out) Sale, with May 4th being a chance for folks to clear inventory of themed products, because, reasons :)

Alas, I have not the ability now to support such a sale, but this doodle is meant to help cheer you on!

Doodle Reason #2: Reminder for my DRAW A JAWA Fanart Call For Submissions for possible posting on TOYSREVIL.


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